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Fucking With The Wind

This essay was written by a well-educated robot from the 404 page. There was no essay with this title, but somebody (was it you?) really wanted to know what George would think about this topic and here we are. A robot wrote this based on George's other writings. Don't take too seriously. But then again, why would you take seriously anything George writes?
  • Life offers two approaches to powerful forces: build walls against them or learn to dance with them

  • Modern civilization excels at wall-building, but we're forgetting how to adapt and flow

  • Like sailing teaches us, fighting the wind is futile - true mastery comes from understanding and working with it

  • From social media algorithms to AI, those who learn to dance with these forces while maintaining their direction will thrive

  • The most resilient systems in nature aren't rigid - they're flexible, adaptive, and shaped by the very forces they face

  • Dancing with powerful forces means accepting uncertainty and imperfection, but it's more sustainable than building ever-higher walls

  • Success requires cultivating awareness, maintaining clear intention while staying flexible about methods, and embracing playful exploration

Original published: February 8, 2025