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Current AI agent architectures follow rigid patterns like assembly lines, hierarchies, or democratic consensus, mimicking human organizational structures
I'd like to propose a new approach called Seek-Reject-Frame (SRF) that reimagines AI agents as parts of a mind rather than workers in an organization
SEEKER: Simple agents with basic drives and immediate desires. The goals of the overall agent are not coming from the top, but from the bottom - from the simple SEEKERs.
REJECTOR: Higher-level agent that filters and suppresses most impulses from SEEKERs based on safety, future satisfaction, and coherent self-narrative
FRAMER: Post-rationalizes actions and maintains coherent self-story and stored memories, critical for future decision-making by the REJECTOR.
The SRF system runs in continuous loops: SEEKERs generate wishes, REJECTOR evaluates and filters them and turns some of them into actions, FRAMER maintains narrative consistency and memory.
SRF systems can be called "Freudian" agents, because they are driven by unconscious desires and repressed impulses.
The hypothesis is that complex, fuzzy environments with imperfect information, Freudian agents will show more resilience, more creativity and more consciousness than simple multi-agent systems of the present that put basic ReACT-style agents into a hierarchy.
Original published: February 17, 2025