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The Return of the Gut

  • 150,000 years ago, our common grandmother started trusting the voices in her head over her gut instincts, passing this trait to all humanity

  • For millennia, we believed these internal voices of rationality were special and trustworthy, giving us exclusive rights to "reason" and "truth"

  • Today, AI language models are exposing the emptiness of this belief - they can generate equally convincing rational arguments for anything

  • Our monopoly on reasoning is broken, forcing us to confront an uncomfortable choice: return to trusting our guts, or upgrade to artificial voices

  • After 150,000 years of living in our heads, we face a pivotal moment: will AI enslave us further to rationalization, or paradoxically free us to return to our natural instincts?

  • The breakdown of our ancestral "madness" could be either our undoing or our salvation - only time will tell which path humanity chooses

Original published: March 16, 2023