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You only live N times

  • Life is not a one-shot game - in computer games, we experience multiple lives while retaining identity, skills and learning from each attempt

  • Today's extended human lifespan already gives us 4+1 lives: First (0-20) for growth, Second (20-40) for peak physical capability, Third (40-60) for peak productivity, Fourth (60-80) for wisdom, and Bonus (80+) for reflection

  • We can either "stack" these lives (going deep in one direction) or "spread" them (maximizing breadth of experiences) - each strategy has distinct advantages

  • Regular life resets with new identities, relationships and responsibilities could become normalized rather than seen as failure or escape

  • Making death a familiar part of life through intentional resets may help reduce fear of the final end while adding playfulness and meaning to each chapter

  • The multi-life model is purpose-agnostic - you can optimize for impact, experience, understanding or simply play, with the freedom to change direction between lives

  • This perspective liberates us from the overwhelming pressure of finding our "one true purpose" while still allowing full immersion in each life chapter

Original published: April 6, 2024